Interest in contributing for GSOC 2023

Hi all,

I am Yong Ler, penultimate student in Computer Science + 2nd major in Innovation and Design Programme(iDP) in National University of Singapore (NUS).

I am always on the look for making an impact with the skills I have, as shown in my past projects and leadership positions in my Linkedin.

I am interested in the projects Extensions Library, Search integration with Blockly editor and GWT Unit Testing. Being a tutor in NUS, having worked various projects and knowing the importance of clean code, I am excited to value add to these projects.

Looking forward to contribute to FOSS, getting to know the community and learn from each other.

Yong Ler
Github: yongler (Lee Yong Ler) ยท GitHub

Hello @Yong_Ler and welcome,

If you haven't already, please take a look at the announcement post. It's also helpful to look at our GitHub repository for issues marked help wanted to get a start on understanding the code base and how to make contributions to the system.
