Installation folder cannot be selected

Hello, I read somewhere that the software for the starter on 64bit systems should be installed in the x86 folder. What do I do if I can't change this location despite running as admin?

What is your Operating System?

Win 7 64bit

Home or Professional?

HAXM doesn't install on windows home without a patch script.

Sorry, professional

The MIT emulator is not mandatory.

You can install any other emulator in the aforesaid FAQ, and run the latest Companion.apk app there.

I personally use BlueStacks for screen shots.

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But I don't want to play, what should I do with the fat program?

The emulators support themself with ads for games, but you can ignore the ads and close their popups, then just download the MITCompanion to run for your testing.

What fat program?