Install MIT App Inventor issues

Hi, I am new to MIT App Inventor. I went on the website to install but at the end got this message “MIT App Inventor previously installed for all users. Please restart the installer with Administrator privileges”.

I’m not sure what to do with this now.

Hi @shannonlcooke,

You can ignore that message. It’s due to an erroneous check that ends up running as the uninstaller is generated. You should see that the MIT App Inventor tools now show up in your start menu.

Hi, thank you for responding. I did find it on the start menu and clicked on it…but a black screen comes up with just some words. Ugh

That’s expected. This is the tool that listens to commands from the website. You’ll want to open either or to get started designing your app. Use the Connect > Emulator menu item once you’re working on a project to launch the emulator.

Please assist how to install MI App Inventor

I installed twice bu
t getting error

"MIT App inventor tools has been previously installed for all users. Please restart the installer with Administrator Privileges".