to the experts. I want to apply a text file with groups inside. Each category belongs to its group. When reading the file, insert texts into the text box that bears the name of its group. Each group has a name and a text file as well.
Is there an example for my request?
Example txt file
Category item no item name price
Get name and price to button 1
Easy only. To achieve this work better you try with dynamic comoonent extension so it will crrate automaticalky text bix based on the length of the list
Get csv data
Convert into list
Create four dyna text box based on length of the list
Use from each number event block
Get item based on number
Split each item into four items using index 1,2,3&4 and fill them in respective dyna textboxes
Thank you, sir, but can I have an example?
Another solution
But he is asking the csv data to enter into textbox and not in table view
Thank you, my honorable sir, but that is not what I want. I was talking about the text file or csv. Each line is a category and each category I want is under the name of the groups that follow. When I press the Food button, it brings me all the food items that are in the text file, and when I click on drinks, it brings me all kinds drinks and the text file is composed of
Example txt file
Category item no item name price
If what you want is table filtering, see
Thank you dear sir, can you send the aia file and thank you very much:innocent:
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