Insérer une photo de code

bonjour je veux entrer cette image sur mit inventor pour avoir le code directement est ce que je peux le faire ou bien je dois saisir le code? si oui comment je peux le faire.

Insert a code picture
hello I want to enter this image on mit inventor to have the code directly is what I can do it or do I have to enter the code? if so how can i do it.

It is not obvious what you want to achieve?

Your blocks will open the web page you specified in the device browser.

You could use the built-in webview instead, in order to stay within the app ?


What is the code you want to enter ?

moi je pose la question si possible que j'entre le code qui est dans la photo directement avec une astuce ou bien je dois le saisir dés le début? car c'est pas moi qui a réaliser le code qui est dans la photo

Sorry, I am not understanding....

When you say code, do you mean url which is ?

Do you want your app user to be able to enter the url ?

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I think Lazrag means he wants to download the Blocks image and drag it into App Inventor.

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That particular image is a "dumb image" - it won't drag into App Inventor.
... but here is the Project File, you can put all the Blocks in the Backpack and then take them from the Backpack into your Project.

Thingspeak_GoToCloud.aia (4.6 KB)


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