Informazioni sulla funzione copy

Hello everyone,
can you explain to me what the "Copy" option is for, when you select a block? Also I couldn't understand the use of that selectable CheckBox present in transparency

The copy thing is to copy the block, and you can then paste it with ctrl v or right click paste, and the checkbox idk

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The check box is a buggy finicky attempt to turn on a rectangular multi select drag sequence.

I rue the day vaguely remember it had problems when it was added, especially when the box reached beyond the screen edges and into other block assemblies.

The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance (famous mis-quote)

The Price of Free Software is Eternal Testing - ABG

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I think this option was added to help those who are having trouble adding blocks to the Backpack.

Basically by selecting the CheckBox, you can select individual parts of a large block to copy into the BackPack..too strong

The checkbox to turn on/off the multiselect is an affordance for those who are working on devices without a shift key (e.g., editing an app on a tablet) or who otherwise might have motor difficulties keeping the key pressed.

If it is buggy, what are the specifics of the bug?

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That hadn't occurred to me. I'm all for accommodations for the disabled, so I'll rescind my rue and give it more love.