Inclusion of the Official BluetoothLE Extension for iOS sake?

I appreciate the official BluetoothLE extension. It's great as a reference for making extensions and for making a device-specific BLE extension.

However... As an extension it is unavailable for iOS. :frowning_face:

BluetoothLE has been in iPhones since the 4S model (circa 2011). Could the BluetoothLE extension pretty please be considered for inclusion as a built in component?

As a generic BluetoothLE implementation, it could enable anyone to implement specific device protocols.

As far as I know, the MIT App Inventor Team is trying to turn the BluetoothLE extension as an actual component on iOS. That way, you can use the BluetoothLE component on iOS as well.

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As far as I know, the MIT App Inventor Team is trying to turn the BluetoothLE extension as an actual component on iOS.

That would be great! Did I miss this discussion or an announcement?

You can see @ewpatton's post here.

Because of many limitations that Apple puts on apps, we will not be able to use the extension approach in iOS.

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