In-app purchase system

Hi everyone, today I have a question concerning the commercial exploitation of the developed apps.

In particular: if I want to implement an in-app purchase system, what should I do?


@Taifun has an extension for doing in app purchases:

The base system does not provide any components for monetization.

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Besides the extension from Taifun you could also choose to use one of the other builders around like for instance Kodular. They have a build in app billing system and other monetization components.

Hello F2
We should note that if you move your Project into a different builder such as Kodular, it’s a one-way street. You can’t safely load a Kodular Project back into App Inventor.

Thanks for your answers! :wink:

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not available.. any other source for in-app billing extension

what about doing a search here in the community?

or in the extensions dirextory?


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