Impression sur App Inventor


Est-il possible d’imprimer avec l’application App Inventor ?

Merci à vous

Perhaps. A Bluetooth printer should work. Here are links to previous questions where developers asked about using a printer with AI2 and discussed possible ways you could use a printer:!searchin/mitappinventortest/bluetooth$20printer|sort:date

One of the discussions mentioned in the above link might explain how.

Image print extension: can help you print in limited ways. It is possibly free.

Extension for ESC/POS bluetooth thermal printer & more: This is not free.

please did you find a solution to print because i don't succeed to print my date appointment to doctor using my app inventor i don't succeed to save file rdv.txt to my sd card and i don't succeed to print it .notifier show me that printer share application is not installed in my smartphone despite it is installed help please
i share the blocs of my program concerning the save and the print


kind regards