Import (.aia) project from the computer

Hi Everyone

I am having an issue with my students. that they can not Import (.aia) project from the computer for any of their projects. They are using chromebooks. Their project name is Piano and MIT says "project name must start with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. I never uploads the .aia file and they can not do their project.

Can anyone help

Thanks for your time

Try renaming the aia file, with no spaces

Here is a sample video of how a project import should run:

What are you doing differently?

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cambiele el nombre a los trabajos a "prueba.aia"

despues me dices que nombre les pusiste a los trabajos

i keep getting "server error, could not upload project. please try again later." any idea if its the server or if its my file?

This is an internet connectivity error and/or RAM problem. I have faced it a couple of times. Ask your students to switch to a more stable network and close all applications running in the background

hola si tiene espacio debes colocar un guion ....(_).... .aia
hello if you have space you must put a dash

Did you ever resolve this issue? My students were getting this, when I would post download files for them to work on. I found out that when I download my files recently they are translating the .aia to an Adobe Illustrator Action File, which apparently has the same extension of .aia I do not know a work around for this because I am an educator who teaches both PLTW App Creator which uses MIT App Inventor and a Multimedia class that uses Adobe Products. Even if I go into the file info and try to tell it to "open as" I can not change it to open with another application since MIT App Inventor is a web application.
This did not happen last year when I downloaded files, even though I have always used both programs.

This might be caused by a browser setting, that attempts to open some downloads based on their file name extensions.

To remedy this, go into your browser settings through its hamburger menu and set it to just download files, and ask where to put them.

Remind yur students that AI2 .aia files should not be double-clicked, but instead should be opened by the AI2 Project->Import File From My Computer option at the AI2 web site.