I am a liitle bit confused. What does this block returns?
Btw nice extension
If it failed it returns false if not, it returns true.
Fails to optimize an image in assets, Android 10 companion, using //
Sorry, I don't think it can optimize images from assets
works with full path:
I will fix the issue soon. Thanks
That said does a good job, optimised
a 1.9mb image file to 55kb. which looks fine on a phone screen.
Could you add an option to retain the original file name and append -compressed
(or better -opt
) to it,
or option to name the compressed/optimised file?
So you mean like :
the file name should be : "compressed" + orginal name.
Am I right?
This looks like compression with a large loss of quality.
No wonder:
What is the resolution of both images?
Please give me some time.
for example (append means add to end)
original file name: myImage1.png
optimised: myImage1-opt.png
That's not an issue. There is nothing to fix.
Sorry but the is the quality of output
Yes, but we can just add it in the output name?
It's perfectly fine. I just wanted to know how the compression is done.
Yes ? I believe is the answer.....
Yes, also because if I update my extension for the thing, I'll need to update it everywhere and the documentation.
Please dont take it badly.