Image name does not enter the image. ListView. Add. Remove. Image

What is the format for the image name?

I see that i need a full path, but how do i do that from mit app inventor? I need the uploaded file right?


With File component, you can get the full path of an image.

where is the image file on your device ?

If the file is added to your app's resources, you don't need the path.

I have uploaded the file in media in app inventor, but it wont show in the list view.

Watch this video from @Susan_Lane

You can also create a set of listview elements programmatically:


Hello Jesper

Do you only have one image file in Media? What size is it, dimensions and KB (zero compression).

Hello Jesper

I think the Designer Palette may have caught you - the style (Layout) of the ListView must be selected, by default it is text only.

ListView_Images.aia (3.7 KB)

Thank you for the many answers. I have seen many similar videos that doesnot use the block for the insertion of images.
I think the reason is that the image is too big in size and in kb.

Example of adding and deleting an element with an image.

p100_ListView.aia (36.1 KB)

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