I'm trying to create my own sleep app. I have produced a 5 minutes sound file of sea gulls. However I've uploaded it to my app inventor and tried to run it on my phone and the sound file only lasts 1 min. Can you help.
Not without seeing your relevant blocks...
Do you mean into your media folder / assets ? Size of mp3 file ?
You can repeat it 5 times if it is playing only for 1 minute,
If this problem occurs after phone screen off use ITOO extension to play it in background.
The mp3 file is 3.7 MBytes
I'm still not sure why the file only lasts a minute when playing it in the app. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/06erk6arf673rrk7pju0u/sea-and-seagull-wave-5932-long.mp3?rlkey=iwzpf3q8am11ad0ke0qmsg3ki&st=02xj8o4b&dl=0
The file you linked to is 11 minutes...
Can you confirm your aia project works as expected when using the companion app (if you used it)
Also please show your relevant blocks.
I did use the companion app. And it only the sound file only lasts a minute.
For sound files longer than a few seconds, you will want to use the player component, not the sound component.
You are using a Sound component to play your long mp3. The Sound
component is best for short sound files, such as sound effects, while the Player
component is more efficient for longer sounds, such as songs.
You should use the Player component instead which is designed to allow playing longer sound files. Use a Player instead and see what happens?
Please use this AIA file as it is without any moderation in methods, This will help you alot to play long format songs and sounds above 1 minute.
Player.aia (115.8 KB)
Blocks :
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