I'm making a quiz and want to randomize my images so that they can match their answer choices


I looked at everything you put but still not sure about how to randomize my answers with my image.

Have you tried pick a random item from the list ?

the trick is, instead of using increment question number just use this pick an random item from the Qlist or Answer list or anyother global list and using that index of the picked random item take further elements. But do not forget to remove the picked item from the same global list or repetition will occur

Instead of using 3 lists, using one list will make it easier:

I tried this but it just displayed the original quiz in its order should I repeat this code for each part I want to randomize in sync.

Once I simpalize it when a make a code to random it will randomize everything in that global variable that connects the answer and image.

then you are not making it like what I did.

Why each part? Did you try any suggested method above by me or @Kevinkun?

To add my suggestion you have to make changes in the procedure.. To apply kevinkun you have adjusted the global lists. Both are easy to apply if you catch the point

To keep the answers and questions in sync without bringing them together into a table, you could generate a temporary list of index numbers remaining for selection, and deplete it from the front (item 1).

Here's code to generate a randomly shuffled list of indexes.

Fill a new global variable remaining_question_numbers from this code when starting the quiz, and use item 1 from the list to get a new question (and answer) number.

Instead of adding 1 to the question number after answering a question, remove item 1 from the list remaining_question_numbers and check is it's not yet empty. Use the new item 1 as your new random question (and answer) number.

Draggable code:

P.S. Kudos to @Kevinkun for the easy shuffle code

Yes I tried kevinkun's code and it just gave all the options in the list as answer choices then didn't load any image. I tried yours as well and it just randomized the photos and replaced the question with "you have completed all questions.

For the first part you gave me I did it like this.
I'm just a little confused on what you mean for the second where you say instead of adding one to the question number remove item 1 from the list. Would I do that in when buttom 2 click code and if so I should I make a code for remove item 1 from the list.

Export and post your .aia for specific code

you may missed the logic

insted of using three check box changed event, you can custominize into single when any check box changed event