The DRY and WET Award
For the user who thinks DRY and WET have something to do with doing your laundry.
For the user who thinks DRY and WET have something to do with doing your laundry.
For the user who thinks that they always need extensions in their projects! Yes as they are actually app 'Plug-ins'
that happens to me all the time!
I could have called it
(there is more than one way to skin a cat, but some people just don't get that)
(from "More than one way to skin a cat", for the benefit of the non-native English speakers) ?
Ah yes! I have finally won every single award in a category!
For the user who says, 'Hello. I have a bug in my project. I don't want to tell you anything about the project. Thank you.'
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is a tourist attraction used to keep invaders out. It is very tall, and some reports even say it is as long as the Equator. Many people, mostly people without hiking skills, have attempted to finish climbing it, but few finished.
So, this award can be given to the users who know nothing about App Inventor, but wants to make a copy of Google apps or Minecraft.
They post, 'Hey everyone. Can somebody make me a version of Google Docs?' and are immediately also awarded the Wheedlie award.
If the user wants to climb the Great Wal, just give him/her a Great Wall.
LOL. There are also examples on the web about comparisons similar to this.
Taken from
that actually wasn't that's still a pokemon.
To acquire this prestigious award, you must have had to misunderstand somebody's solution, and then carp to them without apprehending your grave misstep.
The Loch Ness Award
For the user who encounters a bug in their project and claims it 'works' before, and you take a look in their AIA, it would have never actually work.
A person reports to the police that he has encountered a Loch Ness monster. He showed them a photo of the monster, and claims that he sees it every day. You take a look at the photo, and immediately realizes that it was a drawing of a monster.
Inspired by ChrisWard's post.
Peter, three days ago, I claimed the 'Aficionado' badge and the Dry and Wet award while coding with MIT App Inventor and posting in the forum
This is an award which goes to the most well explained person in each topic...
I am one of this kind
I need this award,
This does not appear to be an Anti-Award ?
Perhaps you get the award for user most likely to not understand the nature of the topic ?
I didn't get it well, its an award
Cuckoos don't build their own nest. They just hide their eggs in the nest of other species and if the host species doesn't notice that strange egg then the newly hatched cuckoo will actually take the whole nest for itself by taking other eggs in the back and dropping the eggs from the nest.
This award is to that developer, who develop an extension from some other developer's dependencies or classes and post it on the community without giving them a credit.