I've had the other extension for several days, I don't remember exactly how I found it, I think I was watching a video on YouTube, I followed the link he suggested and that's how I downloaded the other one that only allows 5 links.
I managed to connect 6 monitors with it, but there is still one missing, so I kept looking...
When I create a longer menu that requires scrolling, the initially invisible menu items are displayed incorrectly (without text). It occurs with Companion & APK (tested on Android 13).
SideBarTest_Anke.aia (1.2 MB)
It's worth looking into every chance I get, thank you for your willingness to help
Do you have any of your sidebar items set with a checkbox ?
There is something wrong when calculating the TextView size at items with CheckBoxes. I will try to fix it.
I can confirm that behaviour, but only happens if there is a checkbox (checked or unchecked)
as my screenshot has already shown
There is a new version, that fixes the problems: https://ullisroboterseite.de/android-AI2-SideBar-en.html
Another question, regarding Landscape mode:
This is obviously not correct. So the Sidebar width is set in the extension, with what value? Why can't this percentage value also be set via the extension?
Surprisingly, the absolute width (in px) is even smaller than in portrait mode.