I would like to close all my current screens and send it back to screen 1 with a Start Value

Hello everyone, recently My friend and I were making a simple Store and in the end I would like to close all the screens that were open and send the "User" back to the Screen1 (login screen) but with a value indicating that this person no longer needs to be directed to another screen (sign up). Is there any way to close all the previous screen and redirect the user to Screen1 with a start Value?

Thank you so much in advance

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One way of doing this would just be to continue sending start values to screens that you visit, until you get to Screen1, though you should ideally have one screen open at all times (see the post above).

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store the value to TinyDB when you want to pass a start value, then get the value whenever you want and at any screen.

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Yeah I dedicated another separate TinyDB just for the screens. Thank you all so much!

Next project, consider using Virtual Screens instead - dispenses with all the inter-screen complications.

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