I want to know how to detect if someone has been out of the game

I want to know how to detect if someone has been out of the game, because other people who played the game say that when they left the window and entered again the objects on the canvas changed their place and size

That sounds like it would require the app to compare some local (TinyDB?) and centralized (FireBaseDB/CloudDB) record of the progress of the game.

no me refiero a eso, ya se como funciona, pero lo que me refiero es que mis testers dicen que cuando abren otra app y abren el juego aparecen los sprites volando

use the ActivityStateChanged event from the tools extension


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do you mean this???
go to https://console.firebase.google.com/ and customize the firebase db with this messgae :- For example: "Someone is out of the game!"

link the database with firebasedb component

you can't do/customize that in MIT App inventor