I want to be a beta tester

Hi, I have already submitted the form to be a beta tester of the new version (I sent the previous one as well) and have not yet received any confirmation that I am a beta tester. I really want to help and test the new version, the app inventor is a very big part of my life.

@Point We are still processing applications. There were thousands of responses so it is taking some time.


Thanks, I really appreciate your work.

But anyway (I think I ask too many questions😅) can you confirm me sooner?

There were thousands of responses like Evan said. Patience is a virtue.


Dear Evan,

If you need to involve a user of Thunkable X who has expert knowledge of this platform, who has advised its users for several years and identified dozens of critical bugs, thanks to the ability to program and think outside the box, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Regards, Alexander

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Bonjour, j’ai hâte de pouvoir programmer avec appinventor et pouvoir compiler en .ipa pour iOS

J’aimerai aussi être beta testeur

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