Got this working companion and compiled on 8.1
mah.aia (49.1 KB)
Dragged in a File component and added a conditional permission request. Changed the base64 encode blocks.
Got this working companion and compiled on 8.1
mah.aia (49.1 KB)
Dragged in a File component and added a conditional permission request. Changed the base64 encode blocks.
ok work.thanks.
Hi . I want to specify the folder ID in the application, not in the app script
function doPost(e){
var data = Utilities. base64Decode(;
var blob = Utilities. newBlob(data, e.parameters.mimetype, e.parameters.filename);
return ContentService.createTextOutput("your File Successfully Uploaded");
What changes should I make in the app script?
Change this line:
and add:
to your PostText
remember to create a new version of your script
ok. thats right. thanks
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