I try to use=(TableView ) extension to display csv file but i Didn't know display it as cols and rows

this is code and result every letter but in row
I know the cod isn't complete but didn't know what the right block to display table

In the TableView properties in Designer screen, make sure you set your delimiters for rows (\n) and columns (,)

there is only

the result

Can you share here your UpperEgypt.csv file, so we can see the csv structure?

You should have:

The cell delimiter is for inbetween individual items, the row delimiter is for each row/set of data (a record)

Also, you should be able to feed the "text" directly into the "dataString" block. The tableview aonly accepts csv data, not list data.


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thank you :+1:
it work :handshake:

Desculpe, pode renovar sua resposta, pois esses comandos mudaram, e eu não to conseguindo criar um estoque.

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