I need help with bluetooth

I'm doing a project of a robotic arm that I followed the steps of yotube. The person on YouTube provided an apk with the application to control the project, everything works fine for this, the person also left the link for editing the application by MIT inventor, however, when editing and compiling the APK, the bluetooth list function does not work more, the bluetooth options for connection do not appear.

Could you help me??? It's for a school project of mine!!!

Without link to that Youtube Page and without screenshot of some relevant blocks we only can guess...

And my guess is, it is because of missing permissions...

(Canned Response ABG - Bluetooth non-BLE SCAN Permission Blocks)

These blocks can be dragged into your Blocks Editor to request permission(s) for Bluetooth non-BLE scanning and connecting. All three parts are needed.

You also will need to pull in TinyDB into your project.

When Permission Granted (@Patryk)

Thanks to @Anke for the original code.
My changes include

  • use of the Screen1 permission blocks to avoid the possibility of a typo
  • using a TinyDB tag particular to BT permissions and only for BT permissions.

(Thanks to @Patryk for correction to grant order)
Special note for Xiaomi devices:

Estarei te encaminhando link do youtube, como também prints

Este é o arquivo que ele disponibiliza para edição:
Arm Control.aia (2.7 MB)

Não consigo adicionar mais links de apks

Aqui está o meu apk editado:

No vídeo ele disponibiliza um arquivo APK que está tudo funcionando, porém neste meu editado, ao clicar no botão "Conectar" não aparece a listagem de bluetooths disponível para conexão como aparece no baixado do vídeo

Sorry, I did not open your project...
are you asking for permissions as suggested?

If you are asking for help, I recommend you to make it as easy for others to be able to help you ...
You probably will get more feedback then...

which means in your case post a screenshot of your relevant blocks...

To download the aia file, upload it to App Inventor, open it, do some bug hunting for you, etc... this takes time, and most people will not do that...
Thank you.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

okay então, estou anexando aqui os printscreen:

Blocos no App Mit Inventor:

Apk instalado original com lista bluetooth funcionando:

Apk instalado editado com lista bluetooth não funcionando:

Add the missing permission blocks as already mentioned earlier

(Canned Response ABG - Bluetooth non-BLE SCAN Permission Blocks)

These blocks can be dragged into your Blocks Editor to request permission(s) for Bluetooth non-BLE scanning and connecting. All three parts are needed.

You also will need to pull in TinyDB into your project.

When Permission Granted (@Patryk)

Thanks to @Anke for the original code.
My changes include

  • use of the Screen1 permission blocks to avoid the possibility of a typo
  • using a TinyDB tag particular to BT permissions and only for BT permissions.

(Thanks to @Patryk for correction to grant order)
Special note for Xiaomi devices: