I need help extracting information from an HTML code to send it via Bluetooth to an Arduino

This is an app to control a vending machine, and the information sent to the Arduino will depend on the quantity of the product selected. Here is how I have the blocks organized. I need to know how I can separate the data obtained from the web string to send them via Bluetooth to an Arduino as numerical values. This data indicates the number of rotations for each servo motor depending on the selected options. The quantities I need to send are called: "cantidadRojo""cantidadVerde""cantidadAmarillo". I am using a WebViewerExtra extension to enable local storage, and here is an example of how the stored data is displayed, along with the HTML code and the Arduino code.the username: usuario, password:1234

carrito.txt (3.6 KB)
arduino(1).txt (2.1 KB)

vendmachine.aia (160.3 KB)

help :frowning: