I need an app, can you help me?

Good morning, I am a teacher and I live in a town in Argentina, with my students we saw the need to have a free application so that anyone who needs help (due to gender violence) can ask for help quickly with the push of a button, just by pressing the button. button send an alert along with your location to a police cell phone.

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Maybe you could try something on punya platform

Try the examples in the MIT Gallery Pablo. https://gallery.appinventor.mit.edu/search/time

You can find many of these projects in the App Inventor Gallery.

I've whipped up an app, but I'm still testing it at the current; I should be done by around 15:30 GST.

Contact me mam. Let's find a solution on that.

It might have already been solved, as we are not getting updates from OP.