I am trying to code a small custom music player, my first issue is specifying the music file to be played.
I am trying to specify a specific file in my Music folder, but using this gives me a “Error 701: Unable to load file”. What am I doing wrong?
Secondly, I want to be able to choose a music file at random from the entire /Music folder, I have not been able to figure out how to do that, any help?
I just checked it. You are correct, the READ permission is no longer added to the Manifest. It’s a bug. @ewpatton
As a workaround add the File component (as a dummy) into your project. This component adds both permissions to the Manifest (READ-/WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE).
NOTE: To be able to ask for permissions, they must be declared in the Manifest.
Hello, I am running into the same problem as well. Could you please tell me what specifically you added to your project to make it work? what does adding a dummy file component mean?
Hello, I am running into the same problem as well. Could you please tell me what does adding a dummy file component mean? I don't understand immediately what I should do.
Hello, Thank you so much for the reply. However, the app is still giving me the same permission denied error. I assume I would have to declare it in the manifest, but I don't understand what that means as well. Could you please explain what specifically I should do for that part? Thank you so much for the help.
Seems like I hit this bug as well. The app is working fine on the Android 8 phone but not on the new 14. It gives error "Permission missing. READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is required. Bye.". I tried to use advice given by @Anke but seems that there is no such option in the Designer any more.
On Android 13+ there is no longer READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. You must request "READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" (and/or _AUDIO, _VIDEO) on Android 13+. As soon as it is requested via blocks, it is also declared in the Manifest.