I need a little help - being able to upload a picture (to the CloudDB)

mcowcm_1_1_1.aia (381.2 KB) first here's the download link to the project and here's some pictures of the code

Basically with this project you can post messages as your user you make when you make or log in to your account but with the posts I need help being able to upload a picture you take and or being able to upload a photo along with the post you made and it will show the post with the photo underneath the post please help

You have a choice:

  1. You can upload a binary image file to cloudDB to its own tag if you use a full file path to the image

  2. Convert the image to a base64 string, then you can add this to your upload data set.

could you do it for me or like help me with how to do it

Which way would you like to do this ?

whichever way works for ios and or you can choose

I was waiting for ios to show up :wink:

You cannot use an extension in ios so converting to base64 string is not possible.

Direct upload method as mentioned above.

Test it first, I do not know where cloudDB stores the returned file, I do not use ios.

Blocks below will store an image to cloudDB from an image file stored in your ASD:

could code it for me

I just did :wink:

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What is the full code that would go along with it if there is and like could you show me how I would add this to my code

There is a bug with my app please help

I'm using Ios and when you add the image to the post and post it when you go to view the post it displays as text instead of a picture heres the code
mcowcm_1_1_1 (2)a.a (384.5 KB) and heres the picture
Screenshot 2024-12-17 12.29.43 PM

heres the code and

theres what its giving me instead of the Photo i dont know why its doing this i dont know what to do from here the download link for the project is at the top in the blue link if you want to take a look at it for yourself thank you

Because you did not read my instructions:

I cannot advise if this works the same way on an ios device, but this most definitely works for Android.

the pictures are going to be dynamically added to the list

and this does not work in ios

Show your relevant blocks for storing an image to cloudDB, including the file path you are using.

Maybe some one from MIT or with ios can advise?

Your alternatives to storing images online are many: your own file server, Google Drive, Firebase Storage, ImgBB, Dropbox, etc.

here you go

I do not see any blocks for uploading an image ?

I had deleted it but how could it be set up

Hi! Have you managed to solve the problem with the cloud file storage?

No i wasn't able to I don't think your able to display images on list with IOS so i just disabled the feature and just left the project but i might come back to it and figure out another way

Please tell me, have you managed to work with cloud storage? I'm interested in uploading to the cloud from an IOS application, getting a link to a file, and uploading to a PC. If you have succeeded, please show me your blueprints related to working with the cloud.