I have run it many times but it always shows an error.undefined in IOS

I have run it many times but it always shows an error. Which part is wrong?

In "login_btn.Click" blocks, change the logical block from "and" to "or".

After I modify it, it still shows undefined

Try it:

Screenshot 2021-03-27 021423
I modified the FirebaseURL and Token. When I tested, I clicked the sign up button to display an error

The screen still shows an error.

So it's gonna be a problem with Firebase. I don't know much about this. Maybe @TIMAI2 can help you.

The error occurs when one field is empty and you click registration? And when you complete both fields?

I can't make myself such a mistake with my blocks. Works fine on standard settings.

I think it should be the firebase problem, as long as I click the sign up button, an error will appear

Check on standard firebase settings.

Is it a problem with this Android emulator?

Perhaps. Test on a real device. Use a companion or compile an APK.

But when I use iPhone to run, this error will appear

You should start this topic by saying that you are using the IOS version. IOS is under development and not everything is working properly. So far, everyone here thinks about android.

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