I have an error when executing my application

When executing my application I get the following error: Property getter was expecting a com.google.appinvenor.components.runtime.Button component but got a YaiList instead

The truth is I don't know how to solve it, I had a very good solution to this and I thank you very much, greetings.

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Can you show your blocs ?

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This is basically the blocks, I hope you can help me, thank you very much.

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Can you post the blocks in this way: Put your mouse on an empty space in the blocks editor, click with your right mouse button and choose download blocks as image from the pop-up menu. Share this image with us. Then, when does the error exactly occur and what is your application trying to do?
To speed things up, you could also post an .aia

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These are the blocks and the error is generated when opening the game, since it is a game that deals with a memory where the pairs of images must be found
And I feel the annoyance, but, how do I publish an .aia? I'm a bit of a novice at this.
Thank you very much for your help.

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Please export your project and post it here.

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This is a blind guess, since I don't have the .aia file, and I only know English.

You have a Clock Timer set to compare the images of two buttons identified by the contents of two global variables.

Unfortunately, you did not initialize the global variables to point to button components at app startup, and at times during the game one or both of those global variables gets reset to an empty list, so the procedure comprabacion is run without both globals pointing to buttons.
The first thing the procedure comprabacion does is to blindly assume both globals point to buttons, then try to compare the images of probably nonexistent buttons. You must guard this comparison with another comparison, to insure that neither global has empty list in it.

P.S. see https://groups.google.com/g/mitappinventortest/c/DS2TnwPN-YE/m/bxmIhmEcAgAJ

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puntodecontroldia06092020.aia (3.1 MB)
The application that I am developing is being thought for a project, which has several sections, but this part of the application is the only one that generates this error, so if you can help me, all you have to do is scroll down and click on the button that says "memogram" and the screen where you configure this section is "Screen 4"
Again I thank you very much for your help, greetings.

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Here is a draggable rewrite of the section that was testing images of nonexistent button values.
puntodecontroldia06092020 (1).aia (3.1 MB)

The if/then section should be directly draggable from this board into your Screen4.

Ready, I'm working, I appreciate it very much, good morning.