I couldn't build app

App Inventor is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating style xml
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 2.414 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen33.yail to appinventor.ai_o3oxxxo3o.jan2.Screen33)
(compiling appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen1.yail to appinventor.ai_o3oxxxo3o.jan2.Screen1)
(compiling appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen2.yail to appinventor.ai_o3oxxxo3o.jan2.Screen2)
(compiling appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen3.yail to appinventor.ai_o3oxxxo3o.jan2.Screen3)
(compiling appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen31.yail to appinventor.ai_o3oxxxo3o.jan2.Screen31)

ERROR: appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen31.yail line 285: duplicate declaration of ‘멘트를_바꿔$Click’

ERROR: appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen31.yail line 285: (this is the previous declaration of ‘멘트를_바꿔$Click’)

ERROR: appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen31.yail line 287: duplicate declaration of ‘멘트를_바꿔$Click’

ERROR: appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen31.yail line 287: (this is the previous declaration of ‘멘트를_바꿔$Click’)

ERROR: appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen31.yail line 289: duplicate declaration of ‘멘트를_바꿔$Click’

ERROR: appinventor/ai_o3oxxxo3o/jan2/Screen31.yail line 289: (this is the previous declaration of ‘멘트를_바꿔$Click’)

Kawa compile time: 10.16 seconds

This is the first time I make app, so I don’t know what to do…

Look at the blocks in Screen31, and follow the red errors for a duplicate button click event.

Screen 31 !! :scream:

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see tip 1 here and read especially Building Apps with Many Screens


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Hello janiee_Kim

No App in the world should require 33 screens, not even 33 “virtual” screens. What does your App do? Present a different image or a quiz question on each screen? Your code can be modified to use just one screen for that type of thing.

So, tell us what your App is intended to do.

I want
: if I click button1 , -> go to next screen with a text,
but I don’t know how to send that information,
so I made all of there screen … T0T…

I got it !! Thanks !!!

Not sure that is a good answer....to go to another screen ?