I cant instal my app on my phone

can someone help me with it?
I'm done restating my phone and does not working
I'm using MIUI Global 12.0.4 based on android 10

Do you have an older version of this app installed? If yes, try uninstalling the old version first. Maybe the version number is smaller than the one already installed.

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I have done whit it, still cant installed

So you have to share your aia project. I will compile it and check it on my device.

You don't have any other device? Or maybe someone from your family?

Smart_Home_SMK11.aia (5.0 KB)

here you go

i have same android 10. and it works just fine

So the problem is your phone. Maybe an antivirus program is blocking installations?

I also installed it on my android9 without any problems.

thank you for the information @Patryk_F, i appreciated