Excuse me, I have a question. I can't export my project as an APK, possibly because the media files are too large. Do you have any suggestions for me? [Server error: could not save one or more files. Please try again later!]
To find out, if your assumption is correct, upload the aia file to https://unchive.kodular.io to get some statistics about your project
Thank you for helping me. Now I’ve uploaded it, what should I do next? I apologize for my limited knowledge, I’m just learning how to write apps.
Post the statistics overview screen here
I've encountered another issue. Now, I've deleted media files to keep it under 5MB, but I still can't export the APK.
The total number of assets or number of blocks might be the issue here... how many blocks do you have on Screen1 and Screen2?
Did you try to build the project on the code server?
Reuse your components, follow the dry principle
See also these tips by @ABG
When I use your link, I don't encounter [Server error: could not save one or more files. Please try again later!], but during the export "App Inventor is unable to compile this project. The compiler error output was" Can you advise me on this? Or do I need to fix my block code first to match the media files that I deleted? I have no knowledge in this area.
Thank you for this advice. Even though I'm not proficient in your language, I understand the meaning. But when it comes to blocks, I really need to use a lot of blocks, most of them will be in Screen2 >90%.
Are you interested in the .aia file?
"I will try to separate the code blocks into other scenes so that it can export successfully."
Thank you very much , Mr.Taifun
which means, you have around 25.000 blocks in that screen
I'm sorry, but I do not offer a service of restructuring large projects for free
I only can suggest to follow the already given advice
yes, this is another strategy which might help
"I just realized that my project is big T-T. I did it without even planning, just wanted to give it a try.
Thank you again, Mr.Taifun"
Thank you,Mit
Do you have a way to copy a Component and paste it onto another Screen?
I think it's almost done. **I'll try changing the browser.
One method is to copy the screen and then delete all you do not need