I can't download the.apk file from Google Drive anymore

The link to my .apk to download does not work and the message appears: unable to access the document make sure you are connected to the Internet.

I am connected to the internet but it still gives me this error.
A few weeks ago this did not happen, everything went smoothly, you know if you do not change some rules for downloading files from Google Drive

This is not a problem related to ai2.

I understand but then why does it give this error?
It's not a cell phone problem, because it does it with any phone

  1. Have there been a lot of downloads ? You may have hit your quota if using a "free" account?
  2. Can you download any other files, or is it just the apk? Try uploading again?

Maybe you could post your link here in order to see if it downloads or not

I will try in the meantime I look on the net if anyone has had the same problem. thanks again to both of you.

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Works for me

note: there is a check by google to prevent downloading of a harmful file, depending on your download method, this might be causing a problem....

Tested on computer and phone


Hi @Angelo_D your link perfectly works what you are telling i cant understand.

Works fine. I just download it

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I don't understand from my huawey 8 lite and my brother's s20, can't download.
On the net it says that I have to update the apps. I'll try.
Otherwise I don't know

I'm updating the apps, if it works I'll let you know.
Incredible I also sent Google feedback,
Can you tell me if the app display is correct and there are no errors on your mobile phone, I beg your pardon, but without being able to download .apk, I can't find out before publishing it.

Thanks again to all three.

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Maybe you are right, but at least they should warn before allowing the link to be copied.
Also as you may have noticed by downloading it there is no reason or virus why Google can prevent the download.

No I don't always let my relatives or friends check.
This time, I did it because checking the published App, the display was not correct on some mobile phones. I have to learn before publishing, having tests done.

All fixed with the app update.
Now works.
Thanks again to all of you for the kindness you always show.


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