I can't download my blocks as image at all!

@Anke Thanks for that. While I can't replicate the issue on my end I think I can make a potential patch.

@GuiM_Haes: Please try to upload your project to http://png-export.ai2-ewpatton-temp.appspot.com/ and see if you can export the blocks using this version.


My problem is solved - Thanks @Anke. multiple persons talked about ghostery as a problem. I tried pausing ghostery and it worked.
Thanks everyone!

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I already tried this because i knew of that website. @anke's solution worked, just disabling ghostery.

I'm not sure what you mean by "I already tried this because I knew of that website". I literally wrote that code a few minutes ago so it couldn't have existed before my post.

i already tried the website mempot.ai2-ewpatton-temp.appspot.com and it contains the same projects as in png-export.ai2-ewpatton-temp.appspot.com.

Well, this question was first posed by AGB and later by Evan, and now you tell us you do have a pop-up blocker and switching it off solves the issue.........

its not a pop-up blocker, its ad and trackers blocker

....some of which are pop-ups GuiM! :upside_down_face:

Note also from the same report that the Dark Mode and Dark Reader extensions also inject web page changes and therefore might also have a detrimental effect on App Inventor, which is not a simple web page but a web-based program.

If you need to retain ghostery, you could dedicate a separate browser to APP Inventor, thus avoiding issues all around. If that were Chrome, you wouldn't need to worry about Google breaching your privacy because you would not be using it to browse.

i can disable ghostery for app inventor or pause it while i go to app inventor. It is the best for me

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The fix I submitted to the rest of the team for review should resolve the negative interaction with extension-based stylesheets, so hopefully this won't be an issue in future versions of App Inventor.


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