I can't build my app

I want to build APK and AAB file (compile my app) but it's always say Server error: could not build target. Please try again later! from 4:00 UTC/GMT until Now, Please help me :pray:t2: :pray:t2: :pray:t2:

AIA File Here

Indonesia_Archer_Scoring (1).aia (6.0 MB)

I had to removed mp4 in order to compile in http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/

Uploaded file as is in http://code.appinventor.mit.edu/ compiles with no errors


Yes, but it should also work with AI2 and btw, it also works with AI2Offline (aia size ~ 6MB).


Can the normal server handle large projects? It seems that the user has used 10 screens.


BTW, a problem in your blocks, when you open another screen, you should close it.


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Switching screens incorrectly causes memory issues when app runs but doesn't prevent apk to compile correctly


is it really necessary?

This takes up RAM, but does not affect APK. If

is there a problem in your MP4 file?

I tested, it is


which is equivalent to about 3.86 MB.

For now use http://code.appinventor.mit.edu/ and it will build. Test it and see if apk runs ok


I click build APK and this showing Build failed! Error writing to server

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Just tested in http://code.appinventor.mit.edu/ Compiles with no errors


after I compile my application, and download in my phone, there is a message saying Application Cannot Be Installed

Uninstall any previous versions of app and try install again


You can't update your old version made with AI2 because the keystore with code.appinventor... is different. You have to export it from AI2 first and import it with code...


you must delete all the images imported into your project, including those that have not been used. I used this method and application was created

That's not at all helpful Nicolas. If the images need to be there, they need to be there. Often images cause issues because they have not been optimised for Android.

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