I can't access to mit

I've been trying for days to log in with my email and password. it tells me wrong password, I try to change it, but I don't get the code to be able to do this. help me because there are important projects

Code? What code?

I should get an automatic code via email to set a new password

It sounds like you are having trouble logging into your Google account?

No, I'm not signed in with the google account

is there any MIT assistance? how can i contact them?

We currently have only two ways to use App Inventor.

What is the URL you are using to access App Inventor?

http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu requires that you log in via a Google account.

http://code.appinventor.mit.edu does not have a login at all but assigns you a unique code to access your projects.

Neither of these systems tracks your password or sends you a password reset link.

We have some specialized tools, including one that allows for programming Alexa, which are handled differently.

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