I am fairly new to App Inventor and I need a bit of help.
I have a project for Uni. The idea is that there are different locations scattered all around the city. These locations have a tag. Now different people can go to these locations, and my typing the location id they can upload a picture of how the location looks. After uploading a picture that isn't theirs gets shown. So for example person 1 goes and takes a picture at location x and then afterwards person 2 also takes a picture at location x but the picture that they get shown is the picture of person 1. I hope I’m explaining it in an understandable way.
Now I have the whole uploading with the tag and getting the image part of the app down and it works. The problem is that the pictures get overwritten when a new picture gets uploaded with the same tag. I tried doing it with the clock (every picture gets the location tag and the milliseconds as a tag) but I can't figure out how to get a random picture from that same location tag.
as you can see I have converted the image to base64 and uploaded it and the same image gets shows when you tag on show image but that’s not the point of the app.
It would be great if anyone has any clue how to make it so:
you use the Base64ToImage at wrong place.
You need to place it after you get the base64. This does not mean after 'web.get' block, but after 'web.gotText'.