I am making sign up screen

What is the block method of doing User Name check and mobile number check

to verify not a username, instead of replacing all charaters in a name like !@#$%^&*()_+{}|| and so on.

Also for zip code I need the fixed lenght length of the zip code to 6 not other character will be entered if length reached to 6

I used these bloks to fixed the max length on TextChanged Event :

I am also replacing . and - signs it is erroring on that also

Probably easier to use regex. You can do this with an extension (there are several) or you can use a webviewer/webviewstring and run javascript regex commands against it.

As you can probably see you have created an infinite loop with your AfterTextChanged event.

Share me link of regex extensions.

CTRL+F search regex

I found 3 which one is the best for my query?

I checkout all of the how they will help me they are just matching tools only, how to replace with those extensions.

I found this best :

but don't know how it will help me.