how to show data in list
sorry for that but i am getting data, i think in json. i am trying to separate it by column. i am using for each item . but its not working.
just tell me little bit about to separate columns.
For each item in the total list obtained from sheet, just use select list item with index block to separate them into list based on column wise
The Web component has a block to decode JSON text into a dictionary.
If you have more trouble, copy the JSON text and paste it here, so we can try.
Please, no pictures of text.
If you "are" using my Google Sheet for AppInventor extension, then data returns are usually in a stringified JSON array format. You can use the JsonParse block in the extension to convert to an AI2 list, which you can then work on using the list blocks.
As @ABG says, post your "json" as text here....
Thank you for you repys, i have solve it.
How did you solve it ?
I have mark the solution
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