HTTP ERROR 500 problem

Hi Guys,
I am facing a problem when I try to download my project APK file.. When I click Download apk now, I see HTTP ERROR 500 ....

Now what can I do?
Screenshot 2022-12-06 182848

Working for me.

HTTP 500 errors aren't problems with your computer, browser, or internet connection. Instead, they're a generic response that catches any unexplainable server error. You'll see the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 500 Internal Server Error when your server issue doesn't fit another error code.

Did you try again?

But how to find out where the problem in appinventor...?

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Well if you think it is related to App Inventor maybe tell something about your project. Did you try again to download it?

Are you on a school network or at home? Did it work before? Can you test a small project with just a button inside.

Yes, it has worked before and I have downloaded many times. My project is basically an app built to manage a club. It has been downloaded many times after making it. Today suddenly after going to download again it is not downloading anymore.

What did you change now? What if you build a previous version?

I used updateMyApp extension for updating... but now , if I want to download previous version, there also I got same issue...

Note: I think my problem is in my blocks or another things which I didn't figure out... I check again and again, but I didn't find out the main problem..

You still didn't answer all questions. Something special also with the size of the project?

at home, yea it's work beore, yes I test it on my another project, I can download my another project, and yea, my app size fairly large... when last time I download it, it was 38.6 MB..

That is really big. What if you try your project with

this website is not coming up..

Works here. :slight_smile: It looks like

To use it, transfer your Project aia.

Grew too fat to fit through the doorway?

Delete some Media files until you can get an .aia Export.

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