Http-1101 when retriving url with web component

I am fetching a url with web component, and i can see the data from the url is fetched alright into the app. The url works fine on browser.

However, there is a http 1101 flashing for few seconds on screen? thankful for suggestions.

I see several reports on this. I have tried suggestions like suffixing &submit=Submit but no avail. I have two other calls, to same web server, but never had a http-1101 before.


can you share your relevant blocks?

the full URL:

The endpoint is fully functional. Following some suggestions in this forum, I tested it from a browser on the phone where the app runs. No issues whatsoever.

Thanks for looking!
NB: endpoint is kept disabled for now.

Everything seems correct. If the URL works in the browser and you also get the data correctly...maybe they are specific connectivity problems? In any case, you can use the Screen.ErrorOcurred block to capture it so that it is not displayed on the screen.

Pardon my dumb question, do you have a Web 1.GotText event?

yes, I use a Web 1.GotText to get and process the text.

Does it affect in some way?

It is right. Is your data received correctly? Have you tried to catch the error with the ErrorOcurred block?

Yes, I checked that, as below.
Maybe I dont know how to use it effectively. Can you please suggest?

Function: Get
Error Number:1101
Error Message: Unable to get a response with a specified URL ...

The block ErrorOcurred allow you to catch the error. I suggested to you to use it to avoid show the error on screen because you indicated that everything was correct, except that the error was displayed.

Do you get in GotText block the content correctly?

Let's discuss the provisioning of that web site.

Your error code (1101) is typical of a fly by night web service, here one moment and gone the next moment.

What's your deal with AWS?

Right, it is a serverless function. This is a AWS free tier, which one gets along through mongodb atlas. No deal with AWS.

However, I also use two other such endpoints, same provider, same serverless functions, and they work perfectly. So wondering what is it?

Yes, everything seems to work otherwise.
Thanks Ramon, you have been helpful ! it seems able to to suppress.

At some other points, I use the notifier to display some messages, typically parsing the http response. Hope it will not suppress any other notifications?
I have not tested extensively, curious what is the basic principle for suppressing here.

One way of glossing over the 1101 errors.

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This is certainly a good idea! Thanks