Html text body with activity starter

Hello everyone and thanks for the help!
Is it possible to send emails with text in html format with activity starter?
I would need to format some parts of the text (for example in bold) and to include a clickable link (for example a folder on the server). I believe html is the only way ...

Can someone help me?
Thanks a lot!

I hope this can help you :

<b>BoldText</b> = BoldText

<a href="">Visit!</a> =

thanks, but how do i insert the code in the "body" of activity starter?

have you tried it

yes but it doesn't work. He takes it as a text.

afaik the activity starter solution is not able to do that
you will have to choose another solution...

Different eMail solutions for App Inventor

both the IFTTT and my email extension are able to do it... for the other solutions you will have to find it out yourself...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.