HTML Style CSS Viewer Extension

HTML Viewer Extension | HTML View in App with Direct Text [Free]

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I make a simple extension to get view of HTML, Style CSS and Script in HV Arrangement.

How To Use

Result and Short Tutorial:

Version : 2
AIX: com.sidcreative.htmlviewer.aix (3.4 KB)
Project Created on APP Inventor2
AIA: htmlret.aia (12.4 KB)

NOTE: Not all script tag is working but window.AppInventor.setWebViewString is added in extension to onClick return index or value.

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@Sid_Creative only issue I can see is that your extension icon is too big for AppInventor display. resize to 16x16 pixels please.

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I understand this creates a VebViewer in the arrange?

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But what's benefit of that? :thinking:


This looks more like a demo / example / test extension, the contents of the view are not connected to the app in anyway ....

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From my perspective, it's not even like Webviewer where you can communicate between Android and JavaScript.
Most probably an UI showcase, as you said. :sweat_smile:

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I don't understand what is the benefit of using your extension,
I think this way is more convenient than using your extension :

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Yes But Now We can Load Html without uploading .html file in Assets.

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yeah you are right, but in your way the user has to upload your extension. :sweat_smile:
So in my opinion there is no difference with the upload problem,
because the user still has to upload something

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Extension and Post Updated please check Video.
Now we can create responsive UI with the help of Extensions.
@TIMAI2 @vknow360 @Patryk_F


I am using demoHtml.txt (2.2 KB) : to create card view.