im trying to input image from customWebviewer to website but its not responding , is there any way to make it work ??
in my website im using simple html input tag .
appreciate your help

im trying to input image from customWebviewer to website but its not responding , is there any way to make it work ??
in my website im using simple html input tag .
appreciate your help
Remove style="display: none;"
from your code and check, and also show us your blocks.
i have removed and checked still doesnt work!!
Show your blocks
which part you want ? i have lot of blocks
All blocks
Can you please explain what you are trying to do?
Show all your html (as text)
i want to upload an image , so the scenario is like there is a user profile where user has a button will click in order to upload an image to website , this is normally works on all mobile browser .
the question is does CustomWebView support HTML input file Tag ??
Please show your relevant blocks, the html you have shown tells us very little.
this is my initial block , when i click upload photo it suppsed to open file manager to pick a photo from device , this is works on all mobile browser , note im using version 11 of customwebview
awesome it works now , only one problem when If file upload window is been dismissed and image not been picked up then the (fileuploadneeded) event will not trigger any more , i have to close application then run application again
any solution to this ??
Try passing an empty text to that method when nothing is picked.
thank you dear