How to remove Screen1 background mess, while initializing

Issue when I'm initilizing Screen1. there is backgroung mess. How to solve? please help!

That only appears in the Companion when it is loading the components.It should be fixed in the built APK.

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Are the white blocks where buttons etc are? (Your video is blank).

I think you could be close to the max allocation of memory for Apps. Try deleting the Apps you no longer use.

Another cause would be having too many code lines in your Screen Initialisation Block, which can 'choke' the stuff App Inventor does - move them to a procedure and make the call the last line in Screen Initialise.

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@gordonlu310 thank you very much. after built apk it's working :+1:

Here is RESULT:

Only my problem WHen I'm printing via Bluetooth it's not printing Cyrillic text.

So buy the extension.......

i requested but no response ;(

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