How to redirect the user to his own screen?

I´m trying to create an app and I need to made a sign up screen. The thing is that I don´t know how to redirect the user to his account. I mean, if “Carlos” sign in in the app he will be redirected to his account. But if “Elena” sign in in the app she will be redirected to her account. I don´t know how to do that.
With my app, both of them will be redirected to the same screen instead to be redirected to their own screen.
I would be really grateful if someone could explain it to me.

When you open account with your bank,
do they build you your own branch office?

A Screen is like a bank branch, and its customers are data.
You don't build new screens for new users.

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what exactly is the difference between the screen of Carlos and Elena?

Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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the difference is that the app is like a diary. Elena will have her screen to write her things and Carlos the same. But Carlos can’t know what Elena have written and Elena can’t know what Carlos has written.

This is usually handled by adding an extra column to each data table with the user name/ID (Carlos/Elena/...) and by making sure to filter the output of all queries and updates to those tables to insure only that user can see (or update) that user's data.

If you find that you are adding blocks or screens or components each time you add a new user to your app, you are doing it wrong. Users are data.

Why does a user have to login? Do different user use the same device?
If not, you do not necessarily need login and you could store the data of the user in TinyDB…