Halo, im newbie in here and sorry if my english skills on writing not good enough. Im trying to make my own application for my final report about booking ticket application and now i facing some problems such as:
- The text that i want to visible cant be in the place?
This is what i create with the blocks
And this is the output
(notes: i already trying to search the solution from forum, watch a youtube tutorial, and did some change on the blocks but i still cant get the result that i want in these past 3 days, please kindly help me t-t)
- There is another development? or somethin that i can improve from my screen 3 or my application?
ranranreborn2.aia (290.8 KB)
thank you for the time for anyone that can help me and i apologize about the problems that might be simple but hard for me to do t-t