How to install an AI2 APP on an iOS device

I understand that first, I need to install the MIT AI Companion on the device ( I can borrow an iPAD).
Then I send to the iPAD my "file.apk" that normally works on any Android device.
Then what else?
Should I modify the file.apk?

Hello YoussefM

Apk files are exclusive to Android - they will not run on another OS (there is at least one third party system/emulator that could play an APK on Apple iOS but I don't know anything about it - most especially, if it is still valid in 2020, given that Apple probably would not approve).


iOS uses .ipa files.

Are you an App Inventor iOS Beta Tester?

Tks. for your answer.
I am not a Beta tester. By reading the thread below, I understood that anybody could.
I guess I will wait until the process of publishing on iOS will be available.