How to do a pop alert with many messages?

I am making a game of questions and I want that when they press to see solution it jumps in message in form of pop alert and what when they go to the next question and want to see the solution of this they press it again and that the new solution appears.

Use the notifier

I already did it but it doesn’t work, this is what I have, I want different messages to appear from the created list

put an empty text block into the title socket or add any text
and increment the variable contador_decreto_105 for each new messgae to display

Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

how can i change the color of the pop alert.
As I have it configured, the alert continues appear in black

You cannot change the background colour of the message dialog for the notifier

How can I do then to put a pop-up box that is of another color?

You could try the Dialog Extension by Zangzqs

You will have to set up several premade notifiers in arrangements, and use a separate instance of the extension for each dialog (e.g. EasyDialog1, EasyDialog2…)