How to create a Voice translation app

Hey all...
When i create a voice translator app using Taifun speech recogoizer and Google translate extension ( link provided by anke ) when i translate from Hindi to English it works correctly but
When i translate English to Hindi it doesn't translate instead it shows a result of : -12303292
This is crazy because when i say "my name is Vijay " it translates it to Hindi and show results = -12303292

I have even attached the code file for your reference

App Screenshot =


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when the button2 click why you set language to "hi"

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Just to instruct Taifun speech recogoizer that the spoken language is Hindi ( "hi" is the language code of Hindi ) So this would help Taifun speech recogoizer to analyse and transcribe the spoken Hindi words ....

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Ooo, I got it :nerd_face:

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Ok Salman_Dev
Do you have any idea how to solve the problem ?

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Why don't you use the Yandex Translate component?

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I am using Google translate extension to improve the quality of the translation provided ( as it is better than yandex translate )

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you are using hi as language, however according to the documentation:

the language to use for speech recognition (as defined by BCP 47), for example 'en-US'

what happens, if you use the SupportedLanguages method? Which language code is listed there for hindi? You might want to use that language code...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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Thank you for your reply
I will try and convey ...

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Hey I tried it ...
It is translating from Hindi to English correctly but ...
It is not translating from English to Hindi
Block code screenshot =

App screenshot =

Pls help to fix this

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I think you should try to changing hi to bn

because I read in this documentation, bn it's for india

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bn is the code for Bangladesh language which is different from Hindi language

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have you tried?
because the documentation say, bn is for India and Bangladesh

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bn is bengali which is different from hindi, though bengli is spoken in a couple of states of India

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Yes , you are correct

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Ooo, I'm sorry :pray: :sweat_smile:

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You needn't be sorry :smiley:


Yes you are correct

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first set the language
then get the text


I did a small mistake in the coding part... that is ...
I have set the text to translate by the Google translate 1 Is text colour ....
Now I changed it to text alone
And now it is working....correctly

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