How to check connect internet (wifi or 3G, 4G) before login App?

How to check connect internet (wifi or 3G, 4G) before login App? help me!

Hi, Nguy

There may be a way to do it with ActivityStarter , I’m not sure. Maybe someone on here with better knowledge could help you out.

Maybe you could add a hidden WebViewer to your app, and have it try to load a page, if you get “page not found” or something similar, you know there is no connection. .

Or maybe use the Web component? If you have a web site when the app loads send a text file to your site, then check for a response.

That’s just a few ideas there may be a better way.

Good Luck.


See eg here:


if you want complete control :wink:

1 Like

Thanks for that info Tim,

That’s kind of what I was thinking, that you should be able to do it with a Web component.

That information will come in handy in the future thanks for the link.


OK , how do add automatic turn on internet sensors
example: Nokia Keyboard Phone (Old model Phone)
browser app open automatically turn on internet and browser app close Automatically turn off Internet.
please help us